A while back, someone sent me a bunch of old tapes picked up in Kinshasa. This collection of 7-inches by the great, under-hyped Congolese group Orchestre Kiam makes a strong case for delving into the world of Central African melodic guitar ninjas and hi-hat samurais. I’ve got a tons of old soukous tapes like this that I often neglect. This one no longer. Good summertime music I plan to spin freely this week.
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Soukous,wonderful dancy summer music.
Great band!
[…] early 2014 I found this post on Brian Shimkovitz’s Awesome Tapes From Africa blog. Jeff Bryant from my old band […]
This music boom over Sierra Leone in 70’s and up to this present moment people are eager for it. You can’t imagine one cassette seller was playing this music, mid age gather to listen to it.I wish this type music come back again.
Can you find me moni a finda to me that was the greatest track by kiam
Marcos,Moni Afinda is my best of all time hit from Congo.you can find on youtube where everyone is going crazy over it.