Tanzanian lo-fi freak out jams for the head and body from a Dar es Salaam-based outfit called Jagwa Music. Traditional dance drumming with cheap synths and desperate last-night-on-earth vocals. Bonus bizarre key changes and K Records-esque delightful sloppiness. In its own way, this whole tape feels punk to me. Wills called this to our attention and for that we’re grateful.
Awesome Tapes from Africa DJ sets in Scandinavia very soon:
August 12 Copenhagen/Osloo
August 13 Helsinki/Flow Festival
August 14 Stockholm/Riche
Face 1
Liwalo Na Liwe
Face 2
Oscar Mkoba
Mpangaji Mungu
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
this stuff is so nice! thanks as always!
very real… congrats on your tour, too!!!
Is this mchiryku music? Heard of it but never heard it.
Brilliant music!
Thank you very much for sharing!
My name is Mikael Ohlin and I write for this website http://www.stocktown.com/. Any chance we could meet up for a short interview when your are in Stockholm? You can contact me on m.ohlin@gmail.com.
Looking forward to your response and all the best,
Ps. Blogger seems to some problems – I hope there have not been any double posts. Ds.
Next time stop by Oslo, Norway!
Been a long-time reader and just want to say I am very appreciative. I’m currently traveling in Ghana, getting ready to head to Mali by way of Cote D’Ivoire. I hope to contribute if possible so be on the lookout for some fresh tunes! I’m documenting my trip at http://philintheblank.net and I’ve also posted some music there as well. Be well, Phil
Interesting — when I saw jagwa, I immediately thought of the Mauritanian genre known as such, named for the SEPECAT Jaguar, the French fighter plane…
Not sure what relation this has with the group, though they do have a photo of a plane on the cover…?
Super solid sesh at Riche! Great projections,too…
Big ups!
magnificent set in helsinki!! \o/
Thanks for the Flow gig, it was awesome! :) BIG UP!
This site is incredible. Haven’t stopped by in a while so been home all night catching up on the newer tapes. It’s 5:30am now and I’ll be shattered for work tomorrow, but I can’t stop!! Making me yearn to be back in Ghana.
How do you go about booking you for a DJ set? I would love you to come to Manchester, UK where I live, and could probably arrange that gig myself. Or I would be willing to travel somewhere else in the UK if you are planning on coming. Please email me and let me know!
Many thanks
just back to stockholm from holiday and seeing this now. i am BUMMED that i wasn’t here to catch you at riche. hope you’ll be back.
bravo music.. but I think there are many pirated cd’s will be published.
The collection is really nice. Thanks a lot.
funk, dame, sheit.
i missed you in copenhagen. where did you play?
long time danish listener remorsing.
this was/is also brainfood extraordinaire, at least for me. i’d never heard anything like this one before… or since!
i was reminded of the groening simpsons dude’s comments about trout mask replica — from “this sucks” to “this is the best ever,” over the course of a few listenings…
in fact, mr awesome tapes dude, i nominate you for best blog of all time, homie
This Jagwa tape is wild asynchronous music! Great stuff, thanks!