Face A
Ya Rassoul
Face B
Ehe Sourgou
Lili Yore*
This is the best music I know of in the Sahel. Khaira Arby is enormously popular in Timbuktu, where you will hear this tape playing out of a ghetto blaster in a shop or the cassette deck of a car. This is not “world music,” this is just plain old awesome music that straddles the linguistic and cultural divide of a place like Timbuktu. Arby sings in Tamashek and Sonrai languages, among others, appealing to two of the main groups living in Timbuktu, the Tuareg and Songhai.
Sorry to be out of the game for a while… perhaps this tape makes up for the wait? Seriously, this is one of my top three favorites. Period.
* I especially like this one.
ED NOTE–I realized later that these side are switched around with the track titles. sorry about that… BUY THE RECORD instead.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Wonderful music! Thanks a lot for these great post. I’m happy to see you back in “affair”.
A bientôt – aduna
oops i forgot, feel free to visit my blog:
you’ll find others “Awesome tapes from Africa”…
By – aduna
ah aduna! thanks for the note. i am adding your site to my links… been reading yours for a while!
VERY happy to see you posting again :) your blog is a treasure and has exposed me to some amazing music. thank you!
Great music – thanks! I’ve only had a brief listen so far, but is it possible that the labels of your cassette have been reversed? On the song labelled “Ya Rassoul”, she seems to be singing “Ehe Youma” and vice versa.
you’re right! how did that happen? thanks so much for pointing out my enormous error. will fix that as soon as possible.
great music! i love this
Thanks thursdayborn, your blog is fantastic!
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