The Sound of Traditional Comorian Music

Musique Traditionelles des Comores

Music from the Comoros! Get crazy to this collection of folk songs with upfront, dynamic singing and a stringed instrument that sounds a bit banjo-esque, something for which I have a soft spot. If you slotted this in at a square dance in 1982 Indiana, people would keep dancing. When you pitch this up during a DJ set it sounds good on the dance floor, so you could also sneak this into a more adventurous NYC disco if you know how to DJ and have a time machine.

The tape was produced by the country’s culture ministry, in conjunction with the EU.

This is the only cassette I have from this remote island nation near Madagascar and Mozambique—a.k.a. the Indian Ocean near south-east continental Africa—and it’s a compilation but if you find more let me know.

NOTE: Artists who are featured on the tape…



#—Fatouma Mhoma


Face A

Salima Na Halima*

Mpenzi Soura*

Wadaha Wa Shi Ngazidja*


Face B




Ghalatwi Yaho*


Ngoma Yaki Falume+


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

  • September 29, 2014 at 11:54 pm

    Hi Brian,

    i love this “Musique Traditionelles des Comores” -tape! Really great! May i order the tape or a copy?

    Thanx for a quick reply!


  • October 3, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    Amazing site! Great music.

    Hope to see you in SF tonight. Maybe the Malawi Mouse Boys will show up at your gig, since they are at Hardly Stictly…


  • January 6, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    Where can i buy this Tape?

  • July 29, 2016 at 9:22 pm

    I love this compilation! Love music from Comores. The song Wadaha Wa Shi Ngazidja also appears in another beautiful compilation of Zaïnaba Ahmed, if you are into this exquisite type of music, you should also all check this out. Cheers!

  • August 10, 2016 at 11:07 am

    beautiful. Cheers for site!!!!

  • September 15, 2016 at 2:43 am

    The “instrument that sounds a bit banjo-esque” is actually a Gabusi. This is the Swahili name for an old Yemeni instrument called the Qanbus in Arabic. The instrument is a type of lute with 5 strings; it is almost extinct in Yemen (probably even more so given the country’s ongoing civil war) but has survived in the Comoros.

    • November 23, 2017 at 11:24 am
      In reply to: Paul Mostyn

      Musicians from the Comores often say that gabusi derives from kabosy, the name of the 4-strings traditional guitar in Madagascar. Almost the same sound, played the same way. But Madagascar has also been subjected to the arabic influence, especially on the coasts !

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