This stuff is a big deal in Botswana.
Awesome Tapes from Africa DJ sets coming up: BPM in Williamsburg on Saturday, April 3 with No Small Money Brass Band and Cake Shop on Monday, April 12 with my homies MI AMI plus Soft Circle Hunters and Drawlings.
Face A
Face B
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Hey there. This blog is amazing! I spent all of last night downloading a wide selection of stuff from here and it’s all so good! Any chance you could post that Hip-Dia tape you mentioned awhile back?
Nice one. I’ll bet “AIDS” is a hot jam. Thanks for posting.
hi alex, i will post that tape asap…good call! forgot about that one.
coixt records: most awkward comment ever?
That’s a great collection man. So cool.
got some wicked tapes for you — from Kidal! if you want anything else from Mauritania, let me know, I’ll be back in Brooklyn in two weeks, inchallah. We’ll have to meet. Cheers,
Great finds! You should try packaging the tapes in full to make it easier on us, your readers
Awesome post Thursday. Thanks a lot for this. South African music is always upfull. And gets my foot tapping. cheers from Miami. Cole
Nice Tape – especially my little daughter (15 months old loves it!!!), might be the animals you can hear on the tape – thank you for ripping it.
heard you on NPR, check Columbus, Ohio for Somalii music
thanks for the great music
Latest new about shumba band 2016 2017
Just graceful mate
Where can I find Shumba Ratshega’s material? Apparently he has 4 or 5 other albums according to articles on the web, but for years I haven’t been able to find anything but the Makhirikhiri album.