These are jams by which to live. Especially tracks 1, 4, and 5.
PS—While you’re checking these songs out go ahead and buy yourself that Souley Kanté ringtone you’ve always wanted, now only 250 CFA francs. So what if these interpretations don’t sound exactly like the original? You will surely receive due props from those in the know.
Side A
Bi Magni
Side B
Suw Teni Be
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
I also bought a whole bunch of tapes in Mali about a year ago and Souley Kante was one of a couple that really stand out. What a voice! Didn’t you post another Souley Kante tape some time ago or did I dream that? I went looking in your archives but couldn’t find anything!?
tom this was not in your dreams…. i played the opening track on my listener hour on wfmu radio a few weeks ago. glad you’re a fan!
Just found your blog through fufustew and wanted to say what a cool thing it is. I’m looking forward to exploring–
Souley’s tie does’nt do much for me, but man the music and he’s voice is spot on!
Cheers for sharing this with us.
exceptional. thank you for sharing.