I recommend the song “San Wo San.” Tangled guitars on repeat like that does it for me approx seven days a week. Anyone know anything about this guy Mutchatcha?
Face A
Face B
San Wo San
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
He’s presumably spelling the Spanish word muchacha, girl, like that because he’s in Francophone territory. Er … that’s it.
Is this related at all to the other Yoro Diallo from Mali that you posted here before?
Yoro Diallo makes truly fantastic music. Thank you!
There is a Yaya Alpha Diallo, also from mali. Do you by chance know if this is the same musician?
Thank you for this great post .
He is not related to Yoro Diallo and not also Yaya Alpha Diallo.
He died around 2000-2001 after the release of his last album ‘Talassa 2000’.
keep the great work up
I am still waiting for post of Karamako Keita.
Peace Out!!!
Malian Music are always great
Thanks for the little bit there Momo … always appreciate it when bloggers come through!
Please man, leave the synthetic junk out of this …
oh thank you
please reload that last song that you recommend
Yeah, this looks great, but san wo san is down?
Thanks, like always, for the great blog
“San Wo San” is back.
This is awesome! I really enjoy your blog.. keep it up!
i really love san wo san, but also the creepy laughs in moutchatcha, and how the backup voices chant his name.
i lived in Dakar for the winter a couple years ago and the insane amount of great music on your blog brings me joy and nostalgia.
Many thanks for sharing this wonderful music. Apurva from Pune in India.
When his first title came into radios, it became an
immediate hit. The day after, this song was on all
lips in Mali and it becam the great succes of 1996.
It topped the Top Etoiles charts for one year.
His real name was Yoro Diallo. He’s been
choosen by ADEMA politic group for Alpha Oumar
Konaré’s campaign. He had for sure a great career
before him, but unfortunatelly after a stay in France
for recording a new album, he died in 2001 from disease.
Soumba seems to cut short, is it on the tape like that or did something glitch since?
ok so, this guy is really called Yoro Diallo but changed his name to/ releases music as Fernando Moutchatcha (or Moutchatcha Fernando), presumably to avoid confusion with the other Yoro Diallo, and the tape is called “Yoro Diallo dit Fernando Moutchatcha”, “Dernier Album de Moutchatcha Fernando” or just plain “Moutchatcha”, neither of which are really convincing album titles just stating the content :P
Either way this is good stuff, thanks!
Oui c,étais un vrais artiste. Je voulais son 1er album au complet.